The ZLRC SG906 PRO is a significant improvement from the original drone. It is also sold under the name the CSJ X7 Pro. Either drone is a great start for anyone looking to learn to fly. Starting around $150 you get a GPS drone with a 4K camera on a two-axis gimbal and a handful of intelligent flight modes. The Beast Pro, or X7 Pro has a 25 minute flight time and a range of up to 600 meters. Let’s take a closer look.
ZLRC SG906 Beast PRO
The ZLRC Beast Pro is a definite improvement from the original. There were two major issues I had with it. The original lacked any stabilization for the camera. It also didn’t record onboard the drone, so if your signal was spotty your footage was terrible. The new SG906 Pro has addressed both of those issues. The camera is stabilized by a two-axis gimbal. That is a big deal. It does a pretty decent job as well. Also, there is now a place to use a micro SD card on the drone so you can get the footage from the drone and not have to rely on the connection to your smartphone.

ZLRC Beast Pro Specs
The ZLRC SG906 Pro has a flight time of about 25 minutes and a video range of 600 meters. You can expect to get closer to 20 minutes and a slightly lower range. Most of my testing topped out in the 15-18 minute range. While it didn’t fall out of the sky at 15 minutes it didn’t behave quite right. Flight time is heavily influenced by outside factors. Windy conditions and how you fly will lower your flight time. If you fly in a neighborhood with other WiFi nearby that can interfere with your signal as well so your video signal won’t be quite as good either. Keep these things in mind when you fly.
ZLRC SG906 Camera
The ZLRC SG906 Pro is a pretty stable drone. The GPS does a good job of keeping it where you want. However it doesn’t battle the wind very well, so make sure you are flying in no to light wind. The camera is pretty good for a drone in this price point. It isn’t great 4K footage and don’t expect to take this on any professional shoot. There is a bit of jello, or wavy lines in the video. That is often due to vibrations. The pictures look good and there isn’t a lot of distortion. You can zoom in up to 50x but it is just on the phone and is digital, not optical.
How does the SG906 Pro compare to the Mavic Mini?
Again it is good, but not great. The $399 Mavic Mini takes excellent pictures and video and if that is what you are after you’ll have to spend a little bit more money. Overall this is a very good beginner drone, and a tool to learn how to fly and take pictures and video. But it just doesn’t compare to the quality you will get out of the DJI Mavic Mini. Everything is better on the Mini, from the stability to the user interface. It may cost a little more than twice as much, but the Mini is hands down a better drone and it isn’t close.
Flight Modes
The automated flight modes are ok. I don’t think the app is particularly user friendly. They definitely didn’t hire an English interpreter to help them with their instructions. The follow feature works well, if you have it follow the remote/phone. I didn’t like the vision-based follow feature at all. It was glitchy and you had to be very close. The circle mode worked well and return to home was spot on.
Overall I like this drone. It might be one of the best deals you can find for less than $200. ZLRC has even included a nice carrying case that fits the drone and the remote quite well. If you are looking for a good starter drone this might just be the one.
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